Top FAQ's

We strive to keep our customers informed. Please contact us if you don't find the answer to your question contained within the content of this page. A team member will respond to you via email.

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We are a professional web development company, and we can create a perfect solution for any digital marketing service.
1Why do some websites look so much better than others?
Quality of images! Quality of images! Quality of images! If you do not hire a professional photographer, and especially for eCommerce products, your website cannot possibly have the same look as others with professional photographs. We can enhance your images to a certain point and mix professional stock imagery and video into your website build, but a website with professional photography will always look better.
2Will team riviweb really teach me everything I need to know to maintain and manage my own SEO enhanced professional website?
Yes. We guarantee that you will not only get a professional website, but you will also know how to maintain and update your website. Remember, if we build your website, your WordPress training and support is FREE.
3Can I get the same results with a simple drag and drop website builder?
Absolutely not. To fully maximize your SEO, which is critical to the success of a website business, and to have a truly customizable and scalable website platform, it is very important to understand the difference between your options. Contact us for more information.
4Why is SEO important?
SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" and it's one of the most important factors to the success of your website, your brand, and your business! It creates positioning at the top of search results through web content, links, and site optimization. Search engines examine your website and if your site has no relevant content that is related to your business, you will never get a good ranking. If you can't bring people to your site reliably with SEO then your online business will not succeed.
5What is Hosting?
A website cannot exist online without hosting. Your website is a composition of files that are text, code, images, and much more. When linked together by a website builder like RiviWeb™, these files create your very attractive, highly functional website. "Web hosting" refers to the servers and the infrastructure that stores your files and delivers them when people visit your website. As your website host, we offer storage for and access to these files on a server connected to the Internet. When someone loads your site, all of your "files" are delivered to their device.
6Do I have to host with RiviWeb™?
No. We would be happy to build and maintain your website no matter where your website is hosted.
7What is website migration?
RiviWeb™ offers both free and paid migration services. We will move your website from the existing web hosting account to your RiviWeb™ account. Important: Help us make this a smooth transition by giving us the correct information. In some cases, we may want to chat with your script/web developer.
8How long do requested website updates take?
Typically, once we receive your update request via email, your request is assigned to a developer. Average updates take 1-3 days to complete. Same-day service is available upon request.
9How long will my website build take?
A RiviWeb™ team member will contact you to discuss your project in detail. Up to three design concepts will be reviewed by you and a RiviWeb™ team member, via email and or during a phone conversation. The estimated time for each website build (not to exceed five pages) is five to seven days. For eCommerce websites, plan to work with a RiviWeb™ eCommerce expert for fourteen to twenty days.
10Does RiviWeb™ Offer Payment Plans?
Yes. RiviWeb™ offers payment plans to qualified individuals.
11Does RiviWeb™ Offer Free SSL Certificates?
Yes. Most website builds will come with a one-year SSL certificate, at no charge to the customer.
12Can I have a professional WordPress website with Drag and Drop Capabilities?
Yes. We can build a WordPress website to your specification with easy-to-use Drag and Drop functionality.
13Will my website be fast and secure with a starter hosting plan?
Yes. No matter what plan you choose, your website will be secure, load quickly and we even include backups. With RiviWeb hosing, the only difference in maintenance plans is the number of services included.
1Will I have a direct phone number for my developer or designer in charge of my website build, and can I call them any time I need help?
Yes. RiviWeb is a boutique agency, and we specialize in giving customers a service that large companies cannot compete with.
2Will I be able to manage my own website with ease after RiviWeb™ training.
Yes. If you request a simple user-friendly platform, we guarantee it! We provide paid WordPress training for beginners and more advanced users, and we offer a 10-hour guarantee with our WordPress training.
3What do I need to do to see my website rank higher on Google?
You must optimize your website properly. Some of the basics: Start with a theme that is SEO optimized. Optimize all of your images and video. Display relevant content on every page and optimize every page. Learn about SEO and hire a professional for best results.
4How long will it take to see the results of website optimization?
You will see an immediate result in your website speed. With regard to ranking higher on Google, six to nine months, and a one-year commitment for best reults.
5What is included with website maintenance?
Website maintenance includes the continual updating of plugins, and updates to installed software. Website maintenance maintains the general health of your website, and website updates refers to content updates (images, copy, etc.). These are two separate services charged at different rates.
6Does website maintenance include potential future plugin and software conflicts?
No. While uncommon, we cannot control the future compatibility of third-party software and plugins. Customers will be notified of potential future conflicts and may be charged a $75.00 fee for the software updates.
7Is there a way to avoid future fees related to software conflicts?
Yes. Choose one of our advanced or pro monthly maintenance plans from our hosting page, and you will never be charged for future software conflicts.
8Do any of the RiviWeb™ plans include website content updates?
Yes. Choose a monthly plan from our hosting page that includes website updates.
9Are RiviWeb™ servers secure?
We host websites on the newest and most secure servers. We maintain strong business relationships with server locations in Provo, Utah and Houston, Texas. As a boutique agency, our focus is superior customer service. We use SiteLock® for security services including Malware Scanning, Secure Malware Alert & Removal Tool (SMART), TrueShield Web Application Firewall (WAF), TrueSpeed Content Delivery Network (CDN), Blacklist Monitoring, Website Application Scanning, and SQL Injection Scanning.
10Will I have access to my web files?
Yes. Customers have access to their web files including secure backups of website files.
11Can I move my website to another hosting company?
Yes. If for any reason you are not satisfied with our service, you can move your website to the hosting environment of your choice.